Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Scares

Halloween has always been a mystery to many people. There are many scary tales that actually turned out to be true. Like the tale of a couple who rented the hotel room but there room smelled terrible. This was because of a dead body was hidden under the bed. This has happened several times in Las Vegas in earlier years. My best Halloween is probably none. I never dress up for Halloween. Some of the scariest movies I've seen have is the Crazies. My real life scary moments are probably when I rolled my four-wheeler several times. I was turning on ice once going 4o and i rolled 3 times into a terrace. I also have rolled my four-wheeler into barbwire fence. Which got me 20 staples in my head and 15 stitches.
My fears well there aren't many but one big one. SNAKES. I absolutely hate snakes. In fact my whole family is terrified of snakes. Another fear is the fear of death. I totally terrified to die. The scariest haunted house I've been to was one in Des Moines. This one had 15 floors. No one ever has made it through all 13 floors ever. Many people have tried but never has anyone made it. Another scary haunted house was probably the haunted forest in Ames.


  1. How have you never dressed up for Halloween Garrett? You're missing out! And I'm glad you survived that 4 wheeler crash. When I crashed my 4 wheeler, I was really sore. But my crash wasn't near as bad as yours.

  2. My dad is deathly afraid of snakes just like you. I tease my dad all the time, because I don't care about snakes too much. I also must agree with Nick, how haven't you dressed up for halloween?

  3. You seem to have very unfortunate events going on. I want to go to the haunted house too in Des Moines.

  4. I agree with Nick. I wrecked a 4 wheeler into a tree at about 25mph. My leg still has a lump today. Plus I don't think Garrett ever takes his Halloween costume off.
