Friday, August 26, 2011


With all this new technology I could not live without cell phones. Technology has made society easier to communicate. I think technology is a very good thing. I would never let technology replace the way people talk. Technology has made more impatient. I do not agree with Mark Kennedy's quote.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

D.C. Fun

This summer I went to Washington D.C. We went to all the historical and important sites. Such as, the White House, Mt. Vernon, and many more. My favorite spot was the beach in North Carolina. The beach was called Rhoboth Beach, North Carolina. My least favorite area was New York because there was so many people. There also was a lot a really scary looking people in New York. I liked the bus ride there because we were able to see all of our friends in the middle of the summer. The only bad thing about the bus ride was I was unable to sleep on the bus. In conclusion I really liked my trip, it was a very fun and interesting trip.